Easy Money For Used Laptop: Is It Possible?

The idiom “easy money” many people associate with something illegal and inaccessible to the usual man. But is it really? Who says you cannot get the cash without any special physical effort. After all, today, there’re many ways to make nice to your wallet. Which ones? We will talk about traditional, creative and modern ways of making a profit.
7 ways to make easy money
We often don’t use all our capabilities and resources, and then complain about the lack of cash. Where there’s a will there’s a way. Each of us has a lot of unnecessary things that can be sold. This is particularly relevant in the era of technology where the life of the new gadget isn’t more than two years due to the constant appearance of new models on the market. In addition, you can use the unlimited possibilities of the Internet, combining them with your talents and hobbies.
So, you can get easy money in the following ways:
- Sell some of your things in the local shops. It may be stores that specialize in any one form of goods, such as clothing (home appliance) or organizations that buy everything at a discounted price. Review your thing: something you don’t like something you don’t use. If a thing without need it’s time to sell it to get money and buy something new;
- Direct sales. If you prefer a fully engage in the sale pay attention to such types of sales, as a “garage sale”, or in other words, the organization of retail space directly at home. Of course, on the one hand, this will require you to greater participation and planning, but on the other hand you will be able to gain more money. In most cases, this event brings in about 50% of the original value of things;
- Online sales. Internet has spread to all areas of our lives. With its help more and more people get rid of old things and get cash. You can sell everything, but there’s a special demand for devices such as computers, phones, tablets, etc. You can get good money for used laptop that is gathering dust on the shelf, broken or just don’t fit your needs;
- You're a good baker, artist, florist or the carpenter? Then you definitely need to try to sell your wares on the market or in the shop. This doesn’t mean that you will place in the city market because true creator may sell goods in various ways. Try to create an account on online auction sites such as Etsy or eBay. Present your commodities to the festive fairs, exhibitions and markets. Promote your products in urban institutions, offices and shops;
- You’re the happy owner of website or blog? You can sell ad space. In this case, you get a percentage of the sale, which was made due to the transition from your page. The best way to earn a lot of money is to increase your site traffic, and for this it’s important to write frequently and interesting;
- Sell images. Exchange stock photos buy not only art, but also quite simple shots that people can use in their articles, booklets, brochures. The price of such photos is small, but if you manage to create a themed collection, this can be earned;
- Post reviews. For companies it’s important to know the people's opinion about their products and services. For this hold online interviews, participation in which can take anyone and then get paid. You can earn some money by taking part in a couple of interviews a day.

How to sell laptop without leaving home?
You can sell a used laptop and get money online. For this simply select a website specialized company engaged in buying gadgets. In recent years, demand for such services has grown greatly, so search a reliable web resource will not be difficult. This lightweight income has the following advantages:
- you don’t need to look for a potential buyer, and spend time on the drawing up advertisements that don’t always give the desired result;
- you can evaluate the device and learn its cost directly on the website in a few minutes;
- you can send unit by mail at any time convenient for you;
- you can sell even old or broken laptop;
- timeliness and reliability of the transaction guaranteed, because such companies care about their reputation.
Easy money & environmental care
It's no secret that electronic waste poses a serious threat to the environment and human health. But the fact that such incompatible concepts like “easy money” and “taking care of nature” may be united know not many. But it’s really so!
When computers, phones, televisions, laptops, cameras and other equipment sent to landfill they release into the air, soil and groundwater hazardous and toxic substances. Elements such as mercury, lead and cadmium forever destroy the ecosystem.
Humanity is a captive of technological progress. We are all waiting for release technology novelties, and without considering the consequences, throw away used laptops in a landfill. The new possibilities offered by technology manufacturers, pushing us to buy a new product. After all, we want to have a laptop with a set of more advanced capabilities and excellent quality.
Human health also suffers from E-waste and its multi-year decomposition. This can lead to disturbances in the cardiovascular system, nervous and circulatory systems. There may be cancer, thyroid disease, and a general deterioration of memory. Furthermore, heavy metals can lead to DNA damage.
The problem is that technology become obsolete very quickly. And improper disposal or even its absence leads to the release of hazardous chemicals, and heavy metals in the environment. The number of stored e-waste is growing every year. But it can be reused. Some elements of the office equipment contain rare precious metals, not to mention the working parts, which can be used for repairs.
The 21st century is a great time to not only enjoys all the achievements of scientific and technological progress, but also to receive the cash for old laptops. Think about it, because you can get easy money for used laptop and become part of a larger mechanism called environmental care. Remember that in contrast to the organic waste, electronic waste cannot be disposed by applying the natural processes of regeneration.