What you have to know about selling your laptop?

Are you tired and annoyed by your old computer that does not respond to requests for a long time? Are you thinking about buying new gadget? Moreover, you realize that you cannot throw your old friend to a trash, so you want to trade in laptop, don’t you? This problem is faced by many users who decide to sell their old computer and collect the money for buying new modern faster computer. Do not be in a hurry, here you can find a buyer, who will pay for your laptop remunerative price. SellLaptopBack is specified on engrossment of used, old and broken laptops and other gadgets.
If you have definitely decided to trade in laptop on the Internet, you got into right place. Although our store buys old gadgets, we also give the best advice to our visitors, even if they do not become our customers. The following notes will help you easily sell your laptop back, and for the highest price. For example, our online system of getting the instant quote needs some specific information about your gadget. Sometimes people are not sure in the given information. We think it is very necessary to inform online stores correctly, because your future payment depends on its truth.
The most common problem is the inexact model number. The easiest way is to find this number is to check it on the laptop’s box or rack. Therefore, sometimes the characters are worn off, or a box is already thrown. In other cases, you can find your model number:
on the back of the laptop;
on the sticker under the battery;
on the labels next to the keyboard;
under the battery, which must be removed;
on the sales receipt;
By the way, if you have not found the number on the laptop, you definitely can find it with the help of Windows. The model of your notebook can be found by means of diagnosis DirectX. To do this, press the key combination Win + R, enter Dxdiag and press Enter. In addition, if you have no DirectX, you can open a command prompt Windows (Start - Run - cmd) and type the following: wmic csproduct get name. In the same window, the program will display the name of the model of your laptop. However, this method is not always provides a complete model of the laptop, but only the base name.
What you have to do before trading laptop?

However, before you will sell your laptop computer, it is necessary to prepare it. One of the reasons is to save your personal data from being lost or used by other users.
Step #one. Back up important and personal data. It is better to use an external hard drive, because it will allow you to transfer the needed amount of almost every piece of information that you collected carefully. The size of usual flash driver is too small, and for your long creative life, you, surely, have accumulated a lot of useful information that cannot be copied to this device. It is better to use special backup utility, for example, Carbon Copy Cloner, it will perfectly cope with the task.
Step #two. It is necessary to deactivate and deauthorize installed licensed programs, because they can be run on the new device without any problems. After all, once the program is installed, from the first start, you are asked to be authorization. This action is can be found in the interface, so you just have to click on the option: exit.
Step #tree. Delete all data from the hard disk. This action should be done after all important and necessary data is copied to an external source. Erase or destroy the data can be formatted using the full hard drive. To do this, open the folder "My Computer», then find all the hard drives, and in turn push the right-button, and find the option of "to format hard disk". Please, select the option "full indenting" or “full formatting”. If you choose another option, you probably delete only the name of the disk and all data will be saved. After the process would be finished, check your disk. It must be empty and there should not be any displayed information. Do this with all hard disks you have, and make sure all the information is deleted.
Step #four. After copying and cleaning the hard disk of your old laptop, you should test if the operating system runs well. The reason is that you have formatted the hard drive, and as the result, the boot sector was deleted. To do this, use the installation disk with operating system that you had to receive when had bought your laptop. Restart the laptop, run the disk. It is needed to enter the BIOS, when you restart your computer. The request for this command differs on devices, but usually on the old models of laptops, it is requested by pressing DEL button while the system is booting up.
Step #five. Do not forget about cleaning the hull and interior of the laptop, wash it with detergent, and clean inside with the vacuum cleaner. The better view it will have, the higher price you will receive.
What you have to know about our store?

If you came to our blog for the first time, you may not know much about this store, despite the fact that we have long-term experience on providing our services. We are sure that best guarantees and good service will enjoy the future consumers. The store interface is simple and getting quote is easy as 1-2-3. You should know, that:
we give shipping fees and use free shipping for all our customers;
we are green friendly store, and one of our main purposes is to save our environment;
we works 24/7;
we do not work with stolen laptops, iProduction and other gadgets;
we recycle very old laptops and even pay back some costs to its user;
we will help as much as we can while you are interested in our recommendation;
There is a special form for our customers on the home page. There you can get the instant online quote and see more details about our future collaboration. Therefore, finally, if you want to make a deal with us on the base of truth and fairness, our store is open to you. Contact our managers who will help you to trade in your laptop for the highest price online!